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Types of Gifts

Your gift to Andrean High School will support 59ers as they transform the world through faith, learning, leadership, and service. Every dollar you give is directed toward the Andrean tradition of excellence, and there are many ways to make a gift to Andrean High School.



Cash is one of the easiest ways to make a charitable contribution. A cash contribution can be a check, money order or cashier’s check. Please mail or hand-deliver your contribution to:


Andrean High School
Attn: Development
5959 Broadway
Merrillville, IN 46410


Online Giving

You can make a donation to Andrean with any major credit via our online donation form. Making your gift online is fast, easy, and secure; backed by Blackbaud Merchant Services, a Level 1 PCI service provider and payment gateway that meets the industry’s toughest data security standards.


Give Now 


Monthly Giving

Increase your impact and become a monthly donor! You may not be able to give a large amount all at once, but imagine if you gave a moderate amount every month. Your $50 monthly gift becomes $600 annually. Or $100 a month adds up to $1,200.


Become a recurring donor



Gifts in-kind

Gifts in-kind are contributions of goods or services, such as items, products, or services such as skilled labor or professional consultations performed without fees. Gifts in-kind play an important role for Andrean, allowing us to redirect the dollars that would have been spent on the donated item or service toward other vital needs of the school. Gifts in-kind are tax-deductable as well!




Corporate Matching Gifts

Your employer may enhance your support of Andrean High School with a matching gift. Contact your Human Resources department to ask if your company matches your charitable contributions and whether or not additional paperwork is required.




Gifts of securities are accepted by Andrean High School. The securities may be given so that the donor receives a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the donated assets while avoiding capital gains tax on the donated assets. Andrean High School will work with you to facilitate the donation of both marketable and closely held securities.



IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are over the age of 70 1/2, you must take a required minimum distribution from your IRA. Normally, this distribution is taxed as ordinary income. However, federal legislation currently allows you to make a direct distribution from your IRA to a qualified charity, such as Andrean High School. Such distributions, while not subject to income tax, will still count toward fulfilling your required minimum distribution.



Life Insurance

Life insurance is an easy way to make a significant contribution. You may give a policy that is no longer needed, take out a new policy, or name Andrean High School as a beneficiary of an existing policy. Direct the proceeds, cash value of policy, or any portion of it to benefit Andrean High School.



Retirement Accounts

Andrean High School may be designated as the beneficiary under a donor's qualified retirement plan benefits, including IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and Keogh (HR-10) plans. Retirement benefits may be the most tax efficient way to make a gift to Andrean High School.

Honor Gifts

Donations made in honor of a person can be used to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, Mother’s or Father’s Day, or as a unique Christmas present. They can also mark a graduation, birth, or any special occasion. When you make this kind of donation, simply indicate that you are making the donation “In Honor of” someone. You will receive a special card to notify your honoree with your donation acknowledgement letter.



Memorial Gifts

Making a donation in memory of someone special reflects your desire to make a lasting impact on the lives of others. You may also include the desire for memorial gifts to be made in your name as part of your final plans. After a memorial contribution is received, an acknowledgement letter with a tax receipt will be sent to donors and an acknowledgement and summary of memorial gifts will be sent to the family or designated party. No individual gift
amounts will be disclosed to the family unless requested by the donor. Should you wish to include information in an obituary for memorial gifts to Andrean High School, you may use the following wording:


In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to Andrean High School, in memory of [individual’s name]. Checks may be made payable to: Andrean High School and mailed to 5959 Broadway, Merrillville, IN 46410 or made online at




Create two legacies with an engraved brick in our Marian Grotto: one in everlasting memoriam of a loved one, your class or your business, and the second through funding of tuition scholarships for Andrean High School students.


$100 – 4×8 Personalized Brick 

$2500 – Personalized Bench



Event Participation & Sponsorship

Attending or volunteering at any Andrean event is an easy and fun way to show your support for the school.  There are sponsorship opportunities available for each of these events as well. Please contact the Development Office for further details.

Andrean Endowment

The Andrean Endowmentformally operated as the Andrean Foundation. Gifts of any kind may be directed to an existing endowment or the creation of a new endowment to support Andrean High School. Current endowments for Andrean High School exist at many of the local community foundations as well as the Catholic Foundation for Northwest Indiana. Please contact the Development Office for more information regarding endowment gifts.


Legacy Giving

A bequest in your will is one of the simplest ways to make a legacy gift. You can specify an amount or percentage from your estate to be directed to Andrean High School. Sample bequest language:


To Andrean, unrestricted:

I give, devise, and bequeath to Andrean High School, the sum of $_____ (or percentage or a description of the specific asset), for the benefit of Andrean High School and its general purposes.


To a particular school program, unrestricted:

I give, devise, and bequeath to Andrean High School, the sum of $_____ (or percentage or a description of the specific asset), for the benefit of the (department, team, or club of your choice) without further restriction.


To a particular school program for a specific purpose:

I give, devise, and bequeath to Andrean High School, the sum of $_____ (or percentage or a description of the specific asset), for the benefit of the (department, team, or club of your choice) for the support of ____________________.


Please work with your legal counsel and the Development Department of Andrean High to craft language that best describes your desired intent.

** As of January 1, 2021, 10% of all sport specific donations will go to a unified Athletics Fund. This fund helps provide equal opportunities for boys and girls sports and all Andrean teams.